Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

I can't believe summer is almost over. It's sort of bittersweet for me. In one respect, I will miss going to the pool and eating Popsicles; but I am also looking forward to wiener roasts and playing in a huge pile of leaves.

We had an extremely busy (but extremely FUN) weekend. The first order of business was Erica's Baby Shower. For those of you who don't know, Erica is expecting her first baby. We don't know what she is having, but her due date is October 7 - My Birthday! Now I know the chances of sharing a birthday with my niece/nephew is very slim, but I am still hoping it may happen! Mom and I hosted a Baby Brunch on Saturday. It was so fun and great to see Erica get some really fun Baby Gear. Baby Showers are also a lot of fun because it allows mom's to reminiscence in their own pregnancy and birthing experiences. I am sure Erica is more anxious than ever for motherhood and labor and delivery at this point!
Some pictures from the shower...Erica looks so great!!!

Erica met a really great friend when she lived in New Jersey...Emily. Emily and her family live in Indiana now, and they came into town for the Baby Brunch.

Saturday evening Scott and I took Avery and Nora to the Dillon Family Festival at the Park. Despite the heat, we had a great time. The girls had the most fun at the Petting Zoo and taking a Pony Ride.

Sunday we had lunch at Scott's mom and dad's and caught up on housework and yard work. Avery and Nora played on the swing set and dug in the dirt looking for worms.

Today we celebrated my mom's birthday with a cook-out and chocolate cake with blue icing (Avery helped make the cake and insisted on the icing being blue!). Happy Birthday Mom!

This week Scott and I will be preparing for our annual camping trip. Every September we I (along with about 20 other friends) travel to Mohican for a 2 night, 3 day camping and canoe trip. It is so much fun and a great group of friends. We look forward to it every year.

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